Wild at Heart Retreat

Southern Mexico
04/03/2022 - 18/03/2022
£1111 - £2022
Plant Medicines
Yoga Therapy
Ancestral Healing
Movement Medicine
Cacao Plantation Pilgrimage
Visit some ancient Mayan ruins
What does this trip include?
On this retreat we invite you to join us into this medicine journey of a life-time.
A plant medicine retreat in Bacalar then going on to explore the ancient Mayan path of the cacao spirit with the tribes through the jungle.
A very special once in a life-time life changing retreat in Mexico starting our journey in Bacalar at the Mayan villa bungalows set over the lagoon, a beautiful picturesque location where we will immerse into a 6 night stay starting on the 4th of march for a medicine journey that is going to take you deeply but gently into the healing of your heart, helping you to drop barriers that block you, bringing you back to your wild innate nature. Your natural birth right as a pure divine child of source.
This is will then take us on the very special sacred journey to Chiapas, the region in which the cacao being used on this retreat grows. We will meet a Mexican healer Ahau who Estella has worked very closely with over the last 8 months. Ahau initiated Estella into the medicine of Hapeh in the traditional Mexican way which then led Estella to Mexico in October 2021 for another very deep profound vision quest with 700 woman for a 4 day deep process of prayers, fasting, 2 Tamazcals a day and up all night in a prayer dance to the 7 directions, the full moon and the 4 elements, learning from the Mayan grandmothers. Breaking down deep barriers of the mind.
I spent 7 weeks in Mexico going into a deeper discovery of the self. I knew at this point that I will come back to visit the cacao plantations and deepen my connection with the Mayan traditions and respect the land in where the Cacao comes from, to learn how this is cultivated in the farms where we now very frequently use in the west as medicine, but I knew this was not a lone journey and those who felt the call to connect more deeply would be joining me on this quest.
Ahua will be guiding us on this part of the journey, organising our visit to the tribes and our stay. On our way we will also visit some Mayan ruins.
The full schedule and structure will become clearer nearer the time. There will be plant-based nutritious food to support your journey and this will vary in time dependent on what practice we will be doing as the plant medicines influence this also so we can prepare the body well.
What is Ancestral healing?
Ancestral lineage healing is a spiritually grounded, ritual process that empowers you to connect, repair and nurture relationships with your own wise and loving ancestors.
Many of us have felt lost, disconnected, and hungry for a sense of belonging after generations of displacement, oppression, colonialism, and the rippling, ongoing consequences of cultural wounding. We carry these burdens within our families and our bodies - but we carry the blessings, as well. The lineage repair process opens a pathway to your roots to fuel the transformation of inherited burdens and the full embodiment of your gifts.
What is Cacao Medicine?
Cacao is a sacred, heart-opening medicine that has been used in ceremony for thousands of years by tribes in South & Central America. The ceremonial grade cacao that we use in our retreats and events is unprocessed and alive in spirit, with a soft feminine energy and powerful healing effects. On a physical level, cacao can help us form new pathways in our brain to release serotonin & dopamine, bringing feelings of joy and bliss; it's also full of beneficial minerals such as magnesium, copper, zinc & iron which nourish our bodies. On an energetic level, cacao helps to open the heart and release blocked emotions & stagnant energy.
Psylocibin Ceremony
The first use of hallucinogenic mushrooms dates back about 3,000 years to Mexico. Art dating back to 5,000 B.C. shows how different cultures across the world recognised the mystical healing powers of the magic mushroom. Starting in the 1960’s and continuing today, scientific studies are being carried out that investigate the short and long term effects of the active ingredient in psychoactive mushrooms - psilocybin - and their results are overwhelmingly positive.
The experience of taking psychedelic mushrooms with appropriate dosage, intention and setting are profound and often life-changing. Users report feelings of wellbeing, interconnection and visual hallucinations. It gives the feeling of 'opening the gateway to another dimension' to allow us to see what is behind the physical / material world – that which is not visible to the human eye. Accessing this dimension often gives us a renewed appreciation for nature and life itself.
Scientific studies over the past 50 years have demonstrated the value of psilocybin for treating obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and overcoming addiction to substances like tobacco. Instead of other treatments which may have painful or disrupting side-effects, psilocybin treatment has the side benefit of personal and spiritual revelation.
A huge range of physical and mental ailments can be traced back to trauma, unhealthy patterns of behaviour, stress and struggling with identity. The power of magic mushrooms to facilitate experiences of bliss, higher understanding and
interconnection with the universe is an incredibly powerful healing tool that can treat many ailments right at their source.
Like all psychedelics, intense and sometimes strange experiences can be part of the visionary journey, but these can be minimised by proper setting and care, and are sometimes a necessary part of the transformative experience. We can
assure you that you will be fully supported in a safe and comfortable setting with experienced facilitators and Mother Nature guiding us along the way.
What is Rapé?
Rapé is a mix of powdered tobacco and ash from medicinal plants from the Brazilian Amazon Jungle. It is an ancestral medicine from the Amazon tribes, they call this ‘medicine of the thoughts’.
Why is it used?
This medicine is used to clear your mind, it helps to silence the busy mind and bring peace and clarity. It can be used to help you focus on activities and was traditionally used before hunting. Now this medicine is used for a variety of illnesses such as sinusitis, allergies, asthma, fever, parasites as it cleans the body especially the nasal passages and stomach.
What is a rapé ceremony?
This will be a special ceremony to connect with the Rapé medicine with meditation and music. This is a safe space to open and become present, connect your feelings, thoughts and heart. Ahau holds all of his ceremonies with compassion, safety and a beautiful openness to all possibilities.
Practices used throughout the retreat
Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy strengthens the body and helps release tension we hold onto in our physical and emotional body
Ancestral Healing
Ancestral Healing teaches us how to work with the energy and life force we are given, it gives the possibility to learn and guide our energy in a good direction
Tantra is a practice that connects us deeper with ourselves to reach the ultimate state of a lifelong romance, self-acceptance and love. Tantra gives us practices to bind our energies, both male and female aspects of our being into unity
Movement Medicine
Movement medicine is moving the body with no particular structure, it is a way to get fully in touch with your feelings without judgment, to tap into Joy, sadness, bliss, and everything in between, it is a dance of life and all that life offers us, when we dance with it all, the energy has a channel, the body being a beautiful instrument for this.
The music will be a varied and diverse mix using different artists that purposely create music using instrumental sounds and words that resonate with the emotional body that will take the cells on an incredible journey.

Estella is the creator of the Conscious Buddy community, an energy worker, ancestral healer, Yoga teacher & plant medicine facilitator and has been working with the human mind, body, and spirit for over 20 years. Estella's experience and vast training will help you to come into a deeper state of embodiment for these practices which simultaneously evokes your own spirit to trust the process for you to fully integrate the activations.
Look forward to co-creating with you.
Emma Louise​
Emma is a certified cosmic sexuality practitioner and will be offering a couple of workshops on the retreat.
Workshop 1
🌹Cosmic breathwork practice
🌹Root chakra healing & cord removal.
🌹Reclamation of divine masculine & feminine energies
🌹Guided Partner embodied heart centered cosmic breathwork cycling
Workshop 2
🌹Cosmic breathwork practice - deeper understanding
🌹Cosmic sexuality wholeness affirmations
🌹Sacred sensual meditation
🌹Empowering life force energy
🌹Guided Partner embodied breathwork cosmic cycling of energies part 2

Ahau will be guiding us in the Chiapas region for the cacao plantation visit with the tribes
Ahau is a natural healer. Born in Guanajuato, Mexico growing up with natural medicine, his mother is a Homeopathic Doctor.
At 19, he began his journey in shamanism, in the jungle he learnt closely over 4 yrs from the Wirrarikas and Putimayo people and was blessed with various grandfather guides.
He since spent the past 11 yrs working throughout Mexico exploring, learning & sharing healing tools that support his mission to be of service to the world.
Holding ceremonies for a wide variety of people including young children, elders, rehabilitation centres, working with; infertility, fibromyalgia, fatigue, addiction and much more...
Temazcal, Kambo & Traditional Panhuehuetl Drum Making are at the core of his healing services. Ahau has a genuine openness & curiosity which informs his attention to detail, holding space with calmness, compassion & acute awareness of each individual.
Flying to Mexico -
Fly from Gatwick to Cancun for a direct flight (or if choosing from another airport, expect to do a 1 stop change over) on the 4th March, once in Cancun you will need to take a transfer bus with ADO for £22 to Bacalar https://www.ado.com.mx/
Or the other option would be a direct transfer by taxi, this costs around £100 but if there are more of you arriving at a similar time this can be shared, these kinds of logistics are best to sort out nearer the time, around a few days before. Buses are running all the time and it only takes a phone call to book your cab.
Flying back from Mexico –
You will need to take a flight from Chiapas to Cancun to travel back home, there are a couple of airports in Chiapas so once I know exact location I will pass this on for you to make that arrangement. It is likely you will need to make this flight the day before or early on the day to get you to your flight to head back to the uk on the 17th March.
You’re welcome to head out before and stay longer if you wish, there are always plentiful places to stay and visit so don’t feel you need to stick to those dates if you want to explore or head out sooner. We will be in Bacalar from the 1st March, so feel free to join us then if you wish.
The dates shown are the duration we need to hold the retreat and to include travel times.
Retreat Prices
Retreat cost -
For the full retreat, food, cacao pilgrimage, mayan ruins, plant medicines, practices & food it is £2022 for a shack to yourself with a king size bed and own bathroom. Right now we do not know the logistics for Chiapas but its very likely you will be sharing and a bit more rustic and traditional based on the nature of our trip there.
If you are open to sharing a bed in the accommodation in Bacalar then your retreat cost will be £1111
A deposit right now is required of £555 which is non-refundable and full amount to be paid by 22nd February, after this date this will be non-refundable
*separate costs are flights and transfers
If you cannot attend based on an emergency, then please make sure you have the correct travel insurance for you to help claim this money back.
If the retreat cannot go ahead due to natural disasters again your travel insurance will cover this, although we will also do our best for you to receive your money back, as we will be dealing with 3rd parties where deposits are made, it may not be possible to give a full refund.
For an invoice request for payment and any further questions please email estella@consciousbuddycommunity.com